Thursday, September 16, 2010


The Sargonites usually get asked pretty often, "Who does your videos?" and the answer to that would be.....Morbius!

Apart from being behind the boards at the recording studio, Morbius manages to capture the moments behind the cameras as well. Filming has been a part of him since his early childhood days as it was for most reknowned directors in the industry today. Since then, his video production expertise through trial and error allowed him to perfect a young directors obvious learning set backs, while increasing his creative strengths. Thus, gained him respect and recongnition from several fellow independent artists, who currently have him lined up with project after project because of his gifted insight behind filming.

Film production can be quite costly due to many variables such as location, lighting, camera quality, 3D animation, added effects, editing, directing, green screening, plus much more! which is why for this reason many indie artists either minimize or don't even include videos as a selling point for themselves. On the average to have a complete music video done independently would typically include: A days shoot with four takes, filmed at one location, a camera, lighting and additonal background props (smoke machine, a car or a motorcycle etc.,) all adds up to a price of $2,000. Now, of course with some added locations, effects and more days to shoot, then it ranges from $5,000 to $10,000. Major labels usually spend on the average of about $15,000 to even $150,000. Numbers such as these for an independent artist (especially for one who is starting out) do not become appealing nor even encouraging to go ahead and get a music video done.

So, why is it that independent artists are headed towards Morbius's direction?

That's because Morbius provides a one complete video package that consists of: Directing, editing lighting and filming equipment (which includes eye catching transitional effects with color correction on high-end editing software for the final production), films on several interior and exterior location sites, suggestive scripted storyline, filmed on a HD camera, shoots WAY over four takes and all in one days shoot for: $350! 
if you want to shoot with the higher quality HDV Sony camera it's: $600
and for a quick release Video Promo: $150!
It's also $100 for everyday extra we have to shoot!  

That's an incredible 85% in savings from the typical independent video cost! Making it truly an affordable high quality video production that give's great results, both on screen and on the wallet!

Here's a sample of Morbius's works:

 His latest videos!

To find out more about affordable video production:


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